Aquatica Bath USA
Aquatica Bath USA (866) 624-2453 655 Peachtree Industrial Blvd BLDG 200, STE 210 Sugar Hill, GA 30518 USA
What is AquateX™? Aquatica, the bathing specialists, have been offering truly distinctive and unique bathroom products for years. With AquateX™, we’ve created the latest generation in the composite material which combines two opposites – a silky soft exterior and a tough, durable interior. The composition of AquateX™ is based on the natural rock – bauxite mixed with polyester resin hardened in high temperatures.

AquateX™ in your bathroom

December 21, 2018
Aivars Abolins

What is AquateX™?

Aquatica, the bathing specialists, have been offering truly distinctive and unique bathroom products for years. With AquateX™, we’ve created the latest generation in the composite material which combines two opposites – a silky soft exterior and a tough, durable interior. The composition of AquateX™ is based on the natural rock – bauxite mixed with polyester resin hardened in high temperatures.

AquateX™ is the modern interpretation of marble , which, while retaining its noble appearance, has significantly improved on several properties. Classic AquateX™ comes in white or satin but is available in other shades.

Where is AquateX™ used?

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AquateX™ is used in the creation of visually - and geometrically-perfect sinks, table tops, furniture facades, wall tiles, skirting boards, stair railings, and a variety of other design elements.

As AquateX™ is wonderfully easy to maintain and very safe, it is also suitable for areas of intensive use: for example, in cafés and hotels, shopping centers, offices and factories, and in schools and hospitals.

What are the characteristics of AquateX™?

  • Impermeable - it does not absorb water.
  • Heat-resistant - it does not lose its properties, even at 100°C.
  • Smooth, non-porous surface - it does not absorb liquids which could stain, such as coffee or wine.
  • Chemically resistant to all conventional solvents, acids, and detergents.
  • Harmless – safe to use in medical facilities and in contact with food.
  • Solid - it is very hard to scratch. Unlike ceramic, it is also shock resistant.
  • It won’t yellow over time as the material is UV-resistant.
  • Fire-resistant - suitable for areas with higher fire safety requirements as, in high temperatures, it releases water.
  • Eco-friendly - this is a ground-breaking recyclable material.
Karolina Relax Solid Surface Air Massage Bathtub Fine Matte by Aquatica web (11)

How to take care of AquateX™:

AquateX™ is easy to maintain using a damp sponge and household cleaners. It will retain its natural matte finish for years.

AquateX™ is a completely renewable material. Small nicks or scratches can be fixed by sanding or polishing. More serious damage can be taken care of with AquateX™.

Advanced AquateX™ Material

Advanced AquateX™ Solid Surface is a homogeneous, polymer composite material applied in the manufacture of all new Aquatica stone bathtub models (from 2013). The main components are acrylic, modified polyester resin, and mineral filler (Aluminum Hydroxide).

Key material properties:

  • stain resistant
  • heat resistant
  • wear resistant
  • fire retardant
  • high heat retention
  • will not bend or flex
  • high surface hardness (barcol 60)
  • superior thermal shock performance
  • UV stabilized
  • densified (higher mechanical properties)
  • will not discolor and only bleaches slightly after continuous exposure to water
  • does not promote the growth of any bacteria such as mold or mildew
  • repairable (unlike cultured marble)
  • possible to renew the surface finish
Sensuality mini f wht relax freestanding solid surface bathtub 08 (web)

AquateX™ Production Process

The components are mixed together in an automated casting machine – the latest technology from Germany. The material is densified in a vacuum-mixer, which provides for a void-free material with high mechanical properties and long-lasting surface quality.

The casting dispersion is extruded into closed casting molds. After the products have passed preliminary polymerization, the units go through post-curing (in a heated oven). This finalizes the polymerization process and maximizes the mechanical properties (surface hardness, stiffness, chemical resistance, etc.) of the products.

The production process ends with multi-stage, careful surface finishing to give a beautifully distinct, polished satin look. After finishing the surface, the products are thoroughly tested to assure a high-quality finish and standard.

Aquatica bathtub models featuring Advanced AquateX™ Solid Surface:

  • Sensuality
  • Sensuality Mini (all variations)
  • Arabella (all variations)
  • Karolina (all variations)
  • Purescape 748
  • Fido (all variations)
  • Emmanuelle 2
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We hope you have found this article helpful to make your bathroom your own little haven
Send us an email if you have more questions


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